Resource Team

Did you know…?
- Approximately three women in this country are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends every day.
- Of these, most are killed within two weeks of leaving the batterer.
- One in three women report being in an abusive relationship sometime in their life.
- Two-thirds of the residents in battered women’s shelters are children.
- Men who are physically violent toward their partners are likely to use violence toward children as well.
The health effects of domestic violence are devastating. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the 15-44 age range. In the United States, approximately two million injuries are sustained by women and 580,000 injuries are sustained by men due to domestic violence each year. Additionally, people experiencing domestic violence are more likely to have a wide range of physical and mental health problems. The rate of depression in victims of domestic violence is twice as high as the rate of depression of non-victims.
The healthcare costs of intimate partner violence are substantial. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that the direct physical and mental health care costs of domestic violence in the U.S. exceed $4 billion per year. Victims of domestic violence have twice the health care visits and utilization than people who do not experience domestic violence.
Domestic violence affects families at all socio-economic levels, all education levels, all religions, and all ethnicities. Its impact on individual families is enormous and devastating but the impact on the community as a whole is equally devastating. It is a serious, widespread health and safety issue and must be treated as such.
Although victims are at increased risk of injury when trying to leave their batterer, they are safe only if they are able to successfully do so. Counseling, crisis shelters, and transitional living and employment programs are important support systems that women and children need to escape the hold of domestic violence.
What kind of help is available in Santa Clarita?
You may be surprised to learn that the Santa Clarita Valley has numerous agencies and organizations with various free and low-cost resources to address domestic and family violence. From counseling and treatment, to anger management and support groups, our community organizations stand ready, willing and able to help stem the tide of family violence!
DIVERT (Domestic Intervention Violence Education Resource Team) was created as a way to provide education and outreach about the many services offered in the Santa Clarita Valley. By working together, representatives from law enforcement, social service, the District Attorney’s office, mental health organizations, the City and County can most effectively refer and provide targeted law enforcement, education and outreach to residents in the Santa Clarita Valley.